I've had these very old kid gloves that are way too tiny for anyone but a baby to wear, but they had these cute little buttons and buttonholes on them. I decided to make them the spats. Why waste those tiny buttonholes!
Costuming is always tricky for smaller pieces. You have to think about scale and thickness of the fabrics. Because I'm such a pose Nazi, and my hands and heet tend to be large and spread out, I often have to sew a lot of the clothes on the dolls by hand.I found the perfect piece of velveteen, but have to be careful not to make everything too thick! Here he is with his pants on!
Here he is almost done. Because of the velveteen, I ended up sewing the coat by hand. It's lined with silk. The first one I tried by machine and it was a disaster of crawly nastiness. Like herding cats! If you've sewn with velvets before, you know what I'm talking about. If you've never sewn with velvet, don't!!

Almost done! He needs a couple last things, aside from his sleeves. I'll post pictures when he's completed! And guess what?! He's sold!! My dear friend Ginni wants to buy him! I'm so pleased! I'm going to get a shelf to put my boxes on and a stool to sit on, then I'm going to blow the rest on my birthday! Whoooooo!!!!
holy wow! I love the spats. Looks like a lot of work. Lovely fabric choices! He is gaining personality!
Yes, A lot of work, but I enjoy it! I'm going to try to make some quicker pieces after this guy is done!
I simply love him. I could not have asked for what I might want and have it be any better! He's made for me! I am looking forward to finding a nice place here to showcase the beginnings of my 'collection' - this will make two of Kathleen's creations I own! So excited!
I am SO glad you told me about this blog. You're an AMAZING artist. This little creature is stunning. I'm very impressed.
Thanks everyone! Every positive comment makes me want to get in there and get to work!
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